Sunday, October 10, 2010


He Said: "I sure don't know what the matter is with me. I feel blue all the time. Or at least for the past month or so. What do you think is going on Dear?

She Said: "I don't know. How is work these days?

He: " Oh just the same old same old. Jack, my manager is a pain in the butt. But that's nothing new.

She: Well what is new?

He said: Nothing. (pause) You know what I'm bored. There is nothing new about work. No fun. No challenges. No real teamwork. I just go do my job and come home. Some days I don't hardly talk to anyone. It's hard to visit in those cubicles.

She: What do you think about what you just said?

He: Well I guess I heard myself say there is not enough stimulation at work. With colleagues or the work itself. I could do my job in my sleep. In fact sometimes I do cat nap with one elbow
on my desk.

She: Bored huh? You didn't used to be.

He: I know. I just don't have any zip left these days.

She: There seems to be a theme here.

He: You're right. I am bored. And I used to actually have fun at work with my peers.

She: Who were the fun ones?

He: There was Peter, Alice, and John. We'd go out to lunch a couple of times a week. We even brown bagged it. Remember?

She: I sure do. You would come home and tell me about their antics. You were like the four musketeers.

He: We were. I wonder what happened? We're all still around.

She: I don't know. (noise from other end of the house). You kids settle down in there.
Well dinner is almost ready. Would you check on the kids and get them to wash up for dinner?

He: Sure. Well. I don't know why but I feel better. I'm actually looking forward to dinner tonight.

The End

Story Two:

HE: Hi Dear. How was your day?

She: Fine. The kids were their normal selves. And your day?

He: Oh it was okay.

She: What happened?

He: Nothing much. Just another day. (Sighs) I think I'll go read the paper.

She: Would you set the table for me sometime before dinner?

He: Sure.

The End

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