Thursday, October 21, 2010


What did you say?

I knew a ninety year old lady who told my pregnant wife "to put an ax under her bed in order to cut the pain" (of labor).

My grandmother said when I was quite young, "If God had meant men to go to the moon he would have given them wings."

Someone said, "A watched pot never boils."

Mom said to her eight year old daughter who was on her way to school, "Dear put a sweater on, I'm cold."

There are a lot of expressions like this often called "old wives tales" or "mommisms". Generally they were cute expressions regardless of whether they were true or not.

Today's "truths" include, "The President is a Muslim". "Black people are lazy".
"All politians are dishonest." "Democrats are liberals and Republicians are conservatives." Hispanics should learn English if they want to be Americans."Often these things are believed at face value much like those old statements from yesteryear.

There is a no harm no foul kind of mentalitiy to our having opinions about things like politics or social issues.In fact it will be interesting to see what happens to these social beliefs in 50 years.

Try these on for size for 2060: "Left handed people are evil". White people are mean." "The President is a grandmother." "Poor people continue to be poor or under..."(you fill in the blank) "Americans have come to accept being the third richest country in the world."

Is there a point to all these quotes? Sure is. Take what you belief or just know to be true with "a grain of salt." (Maybe even a whole shaker in some cases). What would our country be like if we took things with a bit of doubt, a sly grin that we know better, with a humble attitude or took ourselves less seriously."

These are my thoughts about thoughts. "Here today gone tomorrow."

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