Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The words we use in a sentence describe, predict, limit, expand, open, close, prejudge, liberate, etc. a persons view of themselves. Words in a sentence shape and may even determine who we are to others. Every word in a sentence about us are the words we select or are selected by us and we obey.

An example might be, "Uncle Fred". Whenever you are around your Aunt Nancy she calls you Uncle Fred. You think that strange because your name is William. Being three years old it is hard to figure out why she is calling you Uncle Fred. Fortunately you only see her a couple of times a year and so you don't hear these words from her very often.

Then during one visit you notice she just hasn't been saying Uncle Fred. She has been saying, "You're just like your Uncle Fred." Now you are more confused. You think Uncle Fred is pretty neat but the look on Aunt Nancy's face is stern. There doesn't look like there is anything funny about being like Uncle Fred. In fact it sounds bad.

Over the years you pay more attention with they come to your house. You notice how your Aunt treats your Uncle. She is critical of him whenever he makes a joke or speaks up for himself. You begin to wonder. "I talk and I tell jokes, maybe there is something wrong with giving my opinion and being funny with my friends." Your Aunt is your mother's favorite sister and so you begin to give credence to her criticisms of him.

One Christmas Eve you are alone in the kitchen with her when she blurts out, "You know William people won't like you if you keep making light of everything and if you talk too much." That does it. Right then and there you decide to curb your tongue and be more serious at home and around friends. You say to yourself, "I sure don't want to be like Uncle Fred."

Twenty years pass and you are at a party shyly relating to one person at a time. You're kind of restless and wished you were with another crowd on the other side of the room where they are making jokes and laughing. By now you have forgotten about old Uncle Fred and Aunt Nancy's sentence. All you know is you are restless.

Later that evening you speak to your significant other and your partner says, "I've always wondered why you seem to hold yourself back. You really are a funny person. " For some unknown reason those words hit home. You come to yourself and realize your dear partner is right. "I am funny at times and I can carry on a conversation."

The next Christmas, when the family gets together, Aunt Nancy and you are talking about Uncle Fred who died the year before. You notice she is still critical of his sense of humor and his ability to talk with people. Conversationally, you say, "I always liked Uncle Fred. He had a way of putting people at ease when he talked and cracked silly puns." Aunt Nancy was aghast and maybe because she has had a few egg nogs, says, "I was always jealous of Fred. I could never be that comfortable with people."

For you this ends the old "Uncle Fred" story and now you have a new "Uncle Fred"story about yourself. Especially whenever your nieces come up to you and say, "Uncle William, tell us a joke".

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