Monday, November 8, 2010

The Wild Hare Who Was Late For The Party

The wild hare was late for the party. The others already were there. Everything was in order. There was a small party for the critters on the right side of the dining hall. There was plenty to eat and drink but the tea party critters were worried. The animals from whom they rented space were going to raise the rent when in fact the critters wanted to lower the rent. They tried recruiting other critters to join their party for lowing the rent. Some critters said "Tea anyone?" Others said, "Unless you drink our tea and eat our sweets we are going to have to ask you to leave us (alone)"

When the wild hare arrived at the party, the hare could see there was plenty of chaos and commotion going on in the center of the hall. Not knowing what the fuss was about,the hare listened in. It was soon apparent some of the critters and some of the animals also were arguing about the rent. "Raise it" shouted the animals. "Lower it" shouted the critters. The hare wandered away and headed towards the left side of the huge room.

The hare quickly noticed there were no critters here; only animals and they were arguing too. They also were trying to recruit animals (and even a few critters) in the middle of the hall to join them in raising the rent.

While all this noise was going on a band played in the background and scattered throughout the hall were creatures who belonged neither to the animals nor the cirtters; doing something odd (given the circumstances. They were dancing and laughing and teaching each other how to do many kinds of dances each according to his or her tradition.

The wild hare hopped over to "check out" these strange creatures. He couldn't figure them out. They appeared to be aware of the conflicts and arguments going on around them. Were they indifferent to what was at stake? The Rent was due and most in the room wanted it either lowered or raised. So he wandered (for a wild hare he was fairly calm) over to a small group of them who were resting from their dancing which they seemed to thoroughly enjoy; dancing and resting that is.

"What is it with you creatures? Aren't you aware that the future of the hall is at stake unless the rent is either raised or lowered?" To which he received the following reply: "We are the creatures of creativity and curiosity. Most of those you see throughout the hall are afraid. That is why they are so upset about the rent. Some are afraid of losing the building or at least this hall. Others are afraid too many people will want in. Or are afraid of the opposite. That not enough animals, critters, and creatures will be able to get into the hall.

The wild hare got it immediately. It was what he had been feeling since he entered to join the tea party. Everyone one had their own party going on and each was afraid.
He still didn't get what they were afraid of but he knew what fear felt like. But he had one more question for the creatures. "What's going to happen to all these animals and critters if their fear gets the better of them. I hope what doesn't happen is what did happen according to my great great father-hare. They ended up killing each other they were so afraid and this very hall almost burned to the ground.

The creatures were very patient with the wild hare as they saw the hare getting agitated and stating to get caught up in the fear that could be felt in the air like a room filled with smoke.

"You may remember we're the creatures of creativity and curiosity. We do not allow ourselves to be swept along by most of the animals and critters you see. We are so busy being creative about how to dance and how to teach others to dance in this beautiful old hall that we hope to be a calming influence upon the rest of those in the room. We also are very curious about ways to solve the rental problems without reacting out of fear and anger. Again we hope to be a witness to a calming life style. Creativity and Curiosity fills us up so much of the time that we don't have time for a room full of fear to get to us. And regardless of what the rest of the animals and critters do decide we will keep on dancing creatively and curiously."

To which the wild hare seeing he also could get wild with fear in this room simply asked: "Would you teach me how to dance? And I could teach you one. It's called the bunny hop."

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